I would love to thank everyone who participated in the 1st Annual online Quarantine Dance Competition! The goal of the competition was to get excited about dancing from home and have an event to complete as a family. I am so proud of all the competitors and the results were posted on Instagram – IGTV 4/16/20 @6 pm.
The title competition is still being completed.
Title competitors competed with a solo and also have to answer an interview question to be in the running for Little Miss Instadancer, Junior Miss Instadancer, and Teen Miss Instadancer! Interviews are still being conducted and scored.
Congratulations everyone! Final results will all be posted together.
Keep dancing and finding the best out of our current situation! Work to make yourself and others around you happy, even in a crummy situation.
You have to find the good even in challenging times. Be the positive leader for a stronger tomorrow.