Are you bored at home? Living without a schedule and unsure of your purpose today?
Let’s find your purpose. You are going to be productive today and I am going to guide you to a day you will feel proud of.
- Wake up when you feel amazing and rested
- Make your bed (if you didn’t do this, go back and do it now!)
- Eat a healthy breakfast – eggs, avocado, 1 piece of toast. Or bowl of strawberries, 1 piece of toast with peanut butter, and protein shake. Or Greek yogurt, handful of berries, and scoop of peanut butter
- Clean up the house or apartment for 20 mins.
- Check your email and get some work done for about 10-15 mins not too long because we are going to go exercise.
- Since we are a little sweaty and dirty from cleaning the house, let’s go on a run. If the weather is nice take a 20 minute light jog or follow an exercise video online of at least 15 mins. If you want to dance, you can join my dance class at 11 AM on instagram.
- Go shower and it should almost be time for a healthy lunch.
- Now it is time for you. Work on a hobby, craft, or new skill. Research, read a book, and learn about something that interests you
That is only your morning and early afternoon. If you accomplish that, you will feel like a million bucks then be able to continue whatever else you need to accomplish for the day; motivated and excited! Whether that is more homework, emails, reading, or learning that new skill you get to accomplish the rest of your day feeling like a success.
Turn your depressing quarantine days around and treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated. You have to create happiness. Nobody can force happiness upon you. So if you need a push, follow my day schedule above and then let me know you want your life to be better in this quarantine #quarantinedancersunite.
Wake up, make good choices, then do things you never normally get to do. We have truly been given the gift of time so take advantage and start teaching yourself good habits now!