Episode 3
December 1, 2020
Hey friends! I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends! What was the best dish on your dining table?
For me, it was the deviled eggs and pumpkin pie! I love deviled eggs… and last year I got this egg cooker that cooks eggs perfectly… the shells come out so smooth and perfect. It’s amazing.
Well we’ve almost made it to the end of 2020. Congratulations everyone! I give you props for everything you had to deal with this year. Now let’s forget about it and get back to our dance technique!
I know for a lot of us… our technique has really gone down the tubes this year. If you’ve been slacking, it is time to take back your technique. Let’s talk pirouettes because everyone loves pirouettes!
One of my pet peeves when I am judging a dance competition is the pirouette preparation. Your preparation can set you up for success or failure!
Today’s Dance Tip with Brittany is:
Parallel turn = Parallel Prep
Turned out turn = Turned out Prep

The tip is as simple as it sounds.
When you do a parallel pirouette, it requires a parallel preparation. And if you do a turned-out turn, then you should begin in a turned out preparation. Not only does it look cleaner, but it will help you get aligned before you push off the ground. It tells your body, before you even start the rotation, where we are going next. Which muscles need to activate to get your body centered and balanced.
That’s it folks! Simple as that. A parallel turn gets a parallel prep… a turned out turn- gets a turned out prep.
Now… I have homework for you. If you have a solo or dance you are working on. Record it and look closely at your pirouette preps. Are you following this rule? If not, FIX IT NOW!
Awesome guys! Thanks again for watching “Dance Tips with Brittany”! I hope that helps! Please comment below if it worked for you!
And click on the link in the description if you’d like more information about becoming an Insider and working with me on a personal level.
Have a great day and I’ll see you next week!
