Episode 5
Dec 15, 2020
Hey dancers and welcome to Dance Tips with Brittany! Today’s tip is not only for dancers… it is for moms, dads, athletes, gym goers, people with sore hips, and of course dancers!
Today’s tip is
How to do a proper lunge stretch.
Let’s start up in a 4th position stretch or pyramid in yoga. There are 3 important factors I want you to think about:
- Front knee over the heel
- Back foot in releve
- Long line from head to heel
You want your front knee directly over the heel so you can protect your knee and trigger the stretch where it is needed. In the psoas of the back leg. This stretch can help get a longer stride when running or get the back leg down in your splits.
The back foot needs to be in releve to brace your stabilization and anchor the parallel back leg.
A lot of times when we are stretching, we can drop our focus and just hang out in a stretch. But I am an avid multitasker, so I don’t believe in wasting my time and I don’t want you to waste yours. We need to work body alignment, pull the opposition in the stretch, and the final bonus* pull that tummy in.
This way you are getting that beach body while stretching!
And anytime we can work our abs without having to do crunches, I think is pretty cool!
So remember
- Front knee over the heel
- Back foot in releve
- Long line from head to heel
Great job today dancers, moms, dads, athletes, and gym goers! I hope this helped and we have many more proper stretch videos to come! Comment below what you want to learn!
And if you want to learn more about becoming an Insider and working with me personally, click on the link below!
Catch ya next week!