Episode 14
February 16, 2021
Hey dancers! And Welcome back to Dance Tips with Brittany!
In the last couple videos we’ve been cleaning up our pirouettes and stacking the body correctly. Today let’s look at the arms in first position. Why is it important for you to use your arms and what are you going to remind yourself as you make the pirouette rotation?
Today’s Dance Tip is:
Press the Pec to Pirouette

You can find your pectoral muscles when you squeeze; finding the muscle in your armpit.
Let’s start with some pushups to strengthen our pecs and then we will put it to use! See pushups are great for pirouettes! Who knew??
Let’s try it by pressing our hands together in a prayer pose. Make sure you press your shoulders down and put pressure into your hands. When your pecs engage it activates muscles in your back (without even having to think about your back). So when you make the rotation, keep the strength in your pecs and your arms will become an asset to your turns rather than a hindrance.
Let’s practice pulling the 2nd arm into first position so it grabs that pec right away.
On both sides.
Wonderful! Continue practicing finding the pectoral muscles in your chest!
Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next week on Dance Tips with Brittany! Click on the link to join Instadance today and please like this video if you enjoyed the lesson!
Catch ya next week!